Emily Atwood Energy
What is in your way? Let’s work together to resolve the roots of energetic imbalance, trauma and dysfunction in your life to unlock your highest potential.
What is in your way? Let’s work together to resolve the roots of energetic imbalance, trauma and dysfunction in your life to unlock your highest potential.
We all know the feeling of being stuck about something well before we can even identify what it is. It's a familiar feeling. Most of us have something, or even several somethings, that we feel STUCK with.
Maybe there's something we'd like to get over, or move past.
Maybe something we wish we could just let go of.
Maybe it’s physical pain, a chronic problem with our bodies.
Maybe it’s a job we feel trapped in.
Maybe it’s a failed relationship, or the lack of one.
Maybe you can even see a pattern in your life that you just can’t figure out how to change.
The process is simple. Every feeling we have is creating the life we are living now - including the feeling of being stuck. This is the law of attraction. Feeling stuck creates more feelings of being stuck, and situations we feel we can't get out of.
When we add negative thought patterns and limited belief systems to feelings of being stuck and trapped in our current situations, then we are BLOCKING CHANGE. It feels hopeless, but I promise you, it really isn't!
Hopelessness and helplessness are no longer the norm. We CAN move past it.
Let's work together to create a brighter future for ourselves, our children, for us all. Let's embrace zero tolerance for suffering and stagnation. CHANGE is possible, and it is in your hands.
Focusing on long distance energy clearings, Emily Atwood Energy services are an amazing way to transform your life by healing from the past to live fully in the present.
— J.A.
— M.R.
— M.S.
— T.S.
— J.V.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about Emily Atwood Energy like what to expect from a service or who are the services for? Find out more here!