Emily Atwood Energy
What is in your way? Let’s work together to resolve the roots of energetic imbalance, trauma and dysfunction in your life to unlock your highest potential.
What is in your way? Let’s work together to resolve the roots of energetic imbalance, trauma and dysfunction in your life to unlock your highest potential.
I am an Empath and a Healing Facilitator. I have been a Reiki Master since 1999. My method is a unique blend of techniques, incorporating the spiritual learning that I have done since then. My work is designed to help you recognize and change whatever is limiting you from living your best life.
I spent most of my life feeling stuck and frustrated. I learned Reiki in my early 20s, but I was born an Empath. For my whole life, I have felt every emotion as if it were my own. I couldn't distinguish my own thoughts and feelings from the person standing next to me, from the collective classroom or office, from the universal consciousness. It was all mine, and I carried it heavily.
As I began to find myself, I started small, identifying what I was feeling and thinking in any given moment. It got easier and easier to spot my own emotional triggers, and to recognize the negative self-talk that went along with it. My deep sense of unworthiness began to give way to self-awareness and hope. I dug deep, and deeper still. I worked through the events of my life, finding patterns in the events of the lives of my parents and grandparents, gaining deeper and deeper insight into how strongly those patterns are held. When I felt I'd exhausted all my memories, and yet, my issues - my baggage - remained, I began to see, to remember the pain that came before me. I expanded my work to include past lives, experiences of the collective consciousness, and much more. This work is endlessly fascinating, as it is never the same twice!
Through my work, trauma began to take on a new meaning for me. There are no small traumas. No matter how simple the event may seem, if the emotional patterns of deeper, universal traumas are present, something very trivial can create tremendous blockages. A child being scolded and shamed in class could easily trigger the same set of emotions triggered by a public witch trial. I realize that may seem like an exaggeration, but as human beings continue to evolve, our abilities towards empathic living are making us far more sensitive to emotional abuse and trauma.
I am also raising three children: two sons and a daughter. Watching them navigate life has been a big motivator for me to resolve my own issues. As I saw my own hang ups and insecurities reflected in them, it renewed my passion to keep digging, and to keep healing. If you’d like to read a little more about who I am, click here!