I am an Energy Worker. I work primarily with the energetic field. This can also be called the aura, or the subconscious. An energy blockage can cause physical pain, and releasing the cause of the blockage can alleviate it. Past memories - from your present-lifetime, from your past-lifetimes, from your ancestral lineage, and from the collective consciousness - reside in your energy field, and will play repeatedly on a loop in your subconscious, creating your current reality. I can help you release those memories, leaving the door open for you to create the reality you want.

I am an Empath. Empathy is being able to imagine yourself in another’s shoes. Being an Empath means that I am actually in another’s shoes. With barely a conscious thought, I am you. It allows me to work with you in a unique way, finding the emotional patterns that are affecting you, and helping you release them.

I am a Reiki Master. I have been a Reiki Master since 1999, but I have really come to truly own it in the last several years. I have developed a hands-off approach to Reiki, which is unusual, but allows me to work distantly, and over the phone.

I am a PSYCH-K Facilitator. PSYCH-K has changed my life. It taught me to really see how enormously our thoughts and feelings and beliefs affect everything in our lives, and this is truly the basis of my work. If your thoughts and feelings and beliefs are limiting you, I can help.

I am Divinely Guided. Each one of us has a set of divine guides and angels that are helping us every day. When I do this work, I always ask where to start, because there may be connections that aren’t immediately obvious within the framework of our goals. Know that I always ask where we need to go, and I follow where I’m led.

I am an Investigator. I spend a lot of time wondering and digging. When I feel unsettled, angry or anxious, I don’t stop at the surface. Our lives are full of patterns, and if we can find the event that initially created the pattern, we can free ourselves of that frustrating repetitiveness.

I am free of so much that has kept me from really living. That is not to say that I am finished, but I am a free spirit that is becoming more spiritually free with every day. I am a soul whisperer. A spirit warrior. A freedom fighter. I am a facilitator of freedom, and I can help you create energetic shifts that allow for healing and freedom from whatever holds you back.

I am passionate about helping move humanity forward. I am doing my part to create a better place for each of us, and especially for our children, to progress and evolve in powerful ways. Because we are all one, the moment that one of us changes and grows, we all change and grow together.

In my spare time, I am also raising three amazing kids, two sons and a daughter. I am married to a cartoonist. I am the daughter of a therapist and a bodywork practitioner. I am a daughter-in-law, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunt, a friend, a guide, a coach, and I strive to be a loving presence in the world, every day.

My Approach

My Approach